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        International Cooperations


        Updated :05,02,2017
        China Geological Survey has recently deepened its cooperation with Brazil, Peru and Chile through a series of visits and the extension of memorandum of understandings.

        From 17 to 24 April, Mr Wangyan, Deputy Director of China Geological Survey has paid visits to the above three countries, and held talks with mining ministor and vice mining ministor of Chile, Director of National Goelogical and Mining Serivice of Chile, Director of INGEMMET(Geological Mining and Metallurgical Institute ) of Peru, and Director of Brazil Geological Survey, and extended the relevant memorandum of understandings in the field of Geosciences respectively.

        Mr Wangyan visits Brazil Geological Survey

        Mr Wangyan visits INGEMMET

        Mr Wangyan signs MoU with the Director of National Goelogical and Mining Serivice of Chile